Is it possible, with a cloned DM app, to limit the users to edit some fragments at device level?
I d like for those fragments to be modified only via Operations succeeded; but i still want for the users to see the latest values of those fragments which are stored on the MO.
thank you
Quick solution: Granting READ permission only for inventory objects you want to have that behavior. Having some logic using operations to modify them with a service users in a microservice. However this operation get’s created and processed.
But that s not what i want, I dont want my full MO to be read only. I want some of its fragments to be read-only while some other fragments can be edited via the device info like for example the device name.
that’s not possible in the API. Either you have full access to a MO or no write access. There is no concept to restrict single fragments and this can be only implemented in a “hacked” DM App. You need to maintain which fragments should be editable and which aren’t in any kind of data structure or hack them directly into the customized DM App. Again, might work on UI but with the API you are still able to change these fragments…