I have question about the flow service wm.dotnet.runtime:Invoke. How that’s work ?
I explain : I have a .net assembly named myDotnet.dll I put on C:\webMethods\net.
There exists a method name Login in the class with 3 parameters : url (String), user (String), password (String) and that returns a string.
So I have put :
- assemblyPath = C:\webMethods\net
- assemblyName = myDotNet.dll
- className = myDotNet.myClass (my class is myClass and my namespace is myDotNet)
- methodName = Login
- instanceType = dotnetDomain
- methodReturnType = String
For parameterInfo, I have 3 items
First :
- name = url
- direction = in
- parameterType = String
- position = 0
- valeur = value of url
Second: - name = user
- direction = in
- parameterType = String
- position = 1
- valeur = value of user
Third: - name = password
- direction = in
- parameterType = String
- position = 2
- valeur = value of password
But that doesn’t work : each time that say me : Input parameters do not conform to targetInputSignature:
Even if I change direction, instanceType, parameterType and methodReturnType and I put integer instead of String.
Does exist any documentation about this invoke. (I don’t find in webMethods Microsoft Package User Guide) ?