Question about Subscribe Custom Extensions

Product: Ecosystem > Applications > Administration
Version: 1020.26.2

I’m new to Cumulocity IoT.

Can I please ask if we could subscribe custom extension for child tenants so that new packages can be automatically pushed down when management tenant receives a new package? Like the way we subscribe applications for child tenants.

If yes, could you please point me to the documentation or CLI for installing an extension to an application?

Hi @leonard_chu,

Installing an extension to an application is described here: Managing the ecosystem - Cumulocity IoT documentation

Depending on the availability that you’ve selected while uploading your extension, your extension will be available to subtenants automatically.
In case the availability is set to shared, the extension will be visible to all subtenants. If it is set to private, it will only be visible to the tenant you’ve uploaded it to. If is is set to market, it will be available to subtenants where you have explicitly subscribed it to.


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Hi @Tristan_Bastian,

Thanks for your reply.
I had a look at the documentation and in our management tenant portal.

I can see extension availability selection while adding extension via the portal.
I’m going to do some test.

Now, the extension is created via c8ycli deploy command, and I can’t seem to find options for setting availability with c8ycli. Neither can I see or update this in the portal.

Could you please provide me some direction?


When uploading via the UI, you can set the availability either directly in the upload dialog:

Or you do that afterwards in the upper right corner:

The c8ycli is near it’s end of life. The new approach (Web SDK 1019.0.0+) is to use angular CLI. With the angular CLI you can change the availability by defining it in your application options.


I see.
Updating via UI could work for our case.
Will give it a try.
Thanks again for your help.