query on beforeRenderResponse method

Hi All,

I have created a portlet application (Infrastructure monitoring portlet for IS & broker) with multiple tabs, each displaying certain set of data. All the data will be displayed once the user submits the IS to be monitored.

The first tab is a summary page which has a chart (displaying IS memory details), the requirement is that i want to refresh the summary tab at regular intervals, for implementing this i have used Referesh interval control & in backend used beforeRenderResponse method (code pasted below) to referesh the chart webservice each time the page refreshes.

protected void beforeRenderResponse() {

However after publishing the code with the above said the portlet is not getting displayed at all (getting a blank screen), without the above code the portlet works fine.

Please advice on what could be the problem.


Hi Shreyus

Try writing a seperate action method and invoke it from “Async Command Interrval” button

tried it & its working…Thanks for your help :smiley: