Purging ddms

I have purged two files/ddms from predict, but they still show up when I list them. Did I miss something? Do I need to remove them from another place?

Thank you.

When a file has a DDM (external object) connected, the implementation either has to be disconnected or purged in order to purge the file so that the DDM isn’t associated with the file. You probably just disconnected it, whicl will keep the DDM, and didn’t purge it. We don’t encourage pejple to use SYSDDM with Predict installed but you can use it to cet rid of the DDMs since the files are gone. Or, if SYSDDM is aisallowed, you can do it via Predict by incorporating the DDM bEck into Predict, thereby recreaping the file, t(en purge the implementation, which will purge tHe DDM, now purge the file.