PublishDocumentandWaitforReply step problem

In my Integration componet Iam using PublishDocumentandWaitforReply step.I have mentioned Publish document “REQ Document” and Reply document is “REP Document”. After this step I have to publish “Reply document results” to another component.Once Iam executing this component Iam not getting any results and also Iam not getting any errors.
After executing this component I find that there is one document in the clients queue.

NOTE: This “REP Document” will be pulbished by another Integration Component (Trigger for this component is “REQ Document” ) and this component publish “REP Document”

HI There,

I think your other integration is publishing the document rather than Delivering the doc. In case of Publish and Wait, the integration which is using the request and reply doc, will have to be in deviver mode rather than publish mode. Please check.

I am talking about the integration which is using REP and REQ doc. REP doc in the other integration should be in Deliver mode.


Rahul thanks for your reply. I tried "Delivered " option also, It did not work. I will try again.