hi i am experiancing a pretty weired behaviour ,idk if i did something wrong or its acting differently…
here is the scenario…
i have insert notification on a table …and the receiving serivice publishes a canonical from the data it receives …
the canonical is subscribed by three different triggers…which are destinations for the complete process.
i suspand retrieval for all triggers and check the number of documents available in broker …
so lets say i have 10 records in the table so i have 10 documents in the broker for the initial trigger…
and now when i resume retrieval for the first trigger …all these 10 documents must be sent to the next three triggers(suspand retrieval state) so i should see 10 documents in the broker for each of the three triggers …but the funny part here is ,i see 20 documents each …there is nothing in the code which is duplicating the records…there should be something which is duplicating the documents …which i havent able to figure it out…
did any one ever had this issue …if so please let me know what could be the problem…
the problem got solved all by itself …one whole day i was just testing with the records and i always saw duplicates …
and the next day webMethods support was on webex and i was running the same process again and it worked with no duplicates …
thats what happened …i just want to update all of u about this …
Really its a weird problem,then…:mad: keep any eye on it though…
Glad it worked again…
I know that you can get duplicates if your polling interval is too short. If your service isn’t finished with reading the table (where the records are that have to be polled) before the next interval, you get duplicates.
Maybe this was happening.