Hi Guys, need community insights here. Can someone please let me know if we my understanding is correct. In the output variable hasError of the service will be true if there is any connectivity issue with JDBC adapter. Also, the output of it will be true if there is any adapter service failure as well?

I’m currently using webMethods 10.15 version.

Hi @Subramanyam_Bevera,

As per the wM Service Guide :

“Checks the availability of the underlying resource (for example, database servers) at frequent time intervals, and returns the current connection state (enabled/disabled, shuttingdown, pendingEnabled) and error status for a connection node”

Basically we have a JDBC Connection and it underlying resource as mentioned here is the DB that is specified in the Connection.

As per this definition it looks like the said service monitors the JDBC Connection and the underlying DB that is connects/points too. But since there is no mention of the JDBC Adapter service I assume that it doesn’t monitor the JDBC Adapter Service that uses the JDBC Connection.

My Take
So the service returns the State and Error for the JDBC Connection and/or the underlying DB it is trying to connect to and not of the JDBC Adapter Services using the JDBC Connection

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