I would be grateful if someone could help me,.
I am using Tamino version 4.4.1.
I want to insert a new node “…”
into an existing element of an existing document on Tamino database.
I have the document in Attachment.
I used the Tamino X-Query whit this query:
I had to correct your input document, as it contained an undeclared namespace prefix “xp:”
Then, I corrected the string searched for in the [@identifier=…] filter, and then the query worked…
into input()/manifest[@identifier='Comportamento_em_regime_estacionrio']/resources/
and my document whit change is on Attachment
I did every thing you sugest but it didn’t work. I didin’t have erro but the document on the database don’t update. doc.xml (10.4 KB)
This is because you changed your document even more. The issue with your query is that the namespaces you specify in teh query do not fully match the namespaces in your document. If you leave your document unchanged, the following query will work. However, I do not know whether it CREATES the elements in teh correct namesypace becasue I do not know which namespace you intend the elements to be in, so your might have to adapt teh query accordingly:
So this indicates that you have a schema defined for your doctype. WIthout knowing this schema I can only guess what your problem is now: the elements you insert do not match the schema definition, e.g. are in the wrong namespace