Problem when configuring enterprise with Business integrator

hi folks,

when i try to configure my impelementation system as enterprise from Business Integrator it blows an err saying…

jar filespecified in configuration does not
exist though my jar though it exists in D:\WmEnterprise\java\lib

Is there anything am missing.if any sugestions i wld appreciate.


you did not say which jar file is the BI is looking for.

Does the error message contain the name of the file that the BI “thinks” is missing?

Thanx for the response.sorry i was on avacation and back to my work today.Actually when
i try to configure BI with Enterprise its throwing
me an error d:\wmenterprise\jvm\win.sun13\lib\tools.jar specified in configiration does not
exist.i wonder why it is referring to win.sun13…

if you hva any clues,it wld really help me.
