problem in JDBC adapter connection!

the error encountered while setting jdbc connection

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource JDBCConnection:jdbccon.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.200] The JDBC DataSource class “Oracle.jdbc.Pool.OracleDataSource” cannot be located.
Oracle.jdbc.Pool.OracleDataSource.class not found

jdbc adapter connection properties

Connection Type JDBC Adapter Connection
Package Name JDBCConnect
Connection Properties
DataSource Class Oracle.jdbc.Pool.OracleDataSource
serverName TRF_Server
user tgs
password ******
databaseName TGS_WEB.FRK.COM
portNumber 1521
networkProtocol TCP
Other Properties driverType=thin
Connection Management Properties
Enable Connection Pooling true
Minimum Pool Size 1
Maximum Pool Size 10
Pool Increment Size 1
Block Timeout (msec) 1000
Expire Timeout (msec) 1000
Startup Retry Count 0
Startup Backoff Timeout (sec) 10

also the TNSNAMES.ORA entries in oracle is as

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = TRF_Server )(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = wbirep1)

Can you make sure that the Oracle driver is appearing in the IS Classpath.
You can see the IS Admin About page to see that. Also check to see if the Driver is under IS_home/lib/jars directory

Firstly, it’s best if you don’t post the same query in multiple forums on Advantage. All this means is that everybody has to read the same message multiple times. Find the correct forum (which for this query is probably this one), and post your question just to that forum.

If you have just cut & paste the error you are receiving, then your main problem is that you have typed the class name incorrectly. Rather than being “Oracle.jdbc.Pool.OracleDataSource” as you have, it should be “oracle.jdbc.Pool.OracleDataSource” (the first “oracle” should have a lowercase “o”). Try changing this and try again.


for this you have to copy the ojdbc driver that is ojdbc6.jar and paste it to the softwareag/integrationserver/libs/jars. :slight_smile: :idea: