If I use a private-mode library (say USERA01) for a target library (say NAT1LIB) in the development environment then when I Upload my source/object goes to USERA01.MYPGM1 and I can test in ONE and only I see my changes. Everyone else using NAT1LIB continues to see the previous version. Now I commit to my local git and push to the remote git. The remote git push triggers a Jenkins CI to run the Natural any deployment script and my changes end-up on NAT1LIB (copied from the remote repo and STOW’d). If I’ve understood the process correctly.
My questions are:
will the ant deployment script remove the source/object from USERA01 private-mode library? Or is the code to be left there forever? How does the Jenkins CI know to remove it from my private-library?
I think I want to use scope=1 for changes only, in a first-time use of the ant deployment/repo is everything considered changed? Define changed? Is it a remote git repo comparison for the NAT1LIB against itself or does it compare against the target FUSER to decide what has changed?
Thank you!