Hello Everyone,
I have a little issue in webMethods v I’m connected with 23 SAP systems and i have never encountered this kind of issue below :
I’m trying to push an idoc to a SAP system with the following instruction :
- pub.sap.idoc:documentToIDoc
- pub.sap.transport.ALE:OutboundProcess
It’s working with idoc with few number of segment ( 500, 1000, it’s working fine).
But in my case, i’m tring to push an idoc with approximatively 30000 - 35000 segments.
When i call the OutboundProcess, i have an error message (OutOfMemory - JAVA Heap space).
The BASIS team in my company has increased the number of JAVA memory in file setenv.bat (JAVA_MAX_MEM=2536M)
Is there a memory dedicated to ALE adapters somewhere else ? Or is there a way to send (with kind of Iterator) an idoc to SAP ?