Popup Question

Well, that was a good move, It works. I will create SR for fixing the issue with opening popups from an alias page.

A finishing Question.

How to control the size of the pop -up window now? As you know, on clicking the link “click me to open the popup” it opens a full page as popup.

Where do i give the width, and height params to control the size?

We don’t use the traditional command Window.open anywhere here.

Any clues?, Thanks in advance

You can use javascript to preemptively open a window (showing a blank page) that has the characteristics that you need. Since the window with the same name as your link target is already open, the link response will draw in that window and not open a new window.

For example, set the ‘Onclick’ proparty of the ‘Simple Portlet Link’ control to something like this:

window.open("about:blank", "mywindow", 'toolbar,width=150,height=100') 

Thanks, Eric for the great assistance. Appreciated