I’m trying to help a customer with an issue they are having with namespaces when using HTTP/SOAP calls to the Integration Server (v 6.5.) The high level problem is: part of the namespace disappears from the SOAP response.
Below is a snippet of one of WSDL they use when making the SOAP call to I.S. (from IBM Datapower appliance). When they receive the SOAP response from I.S. part of the namespace qualifier is missing.
For example, in the wsdl below, “bim” is missing in the response from “xmlsns:bim”, “ifx” is missing in the response from “xmlns:ifx”, “custprefix” is missing in the response from “xmlns:custprefix” (i.e. the text following the colon is not in the response message). I think you get the picture. This problem occurs through the response message.
Now I’m just started investigating the problem but I wanted to find out if anyone in the wmusers community has come across this problem (and hopefully have a solution). This problem is a very high priority for them (and now for me). There is a service request opened with wM Support on this problem and is currently being investigated by them and me. To get around the problem the customer’s webMethods developers came up with a work around. The problem with the work around is that it costs them a lot of extra time in development, testing and maintenance, and is putting one of their key projects at risk.
Note: the customer uses a custom SOAP processor instead of default and RPC.
Any feedback is appreciated!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/”
xmlns:xsd=“XML Schema”
xmlns:tns=“” name=“CUST_bsBranchInformationManagement” targetNamespace=“http:///”>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=“htp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” targetNamespace=“http:// /EnterpriseManagementBusinessSupportAdministration/schemas/BranchInformationManagement/1” xmlns:bim=“http:// /EnterpriseManagementBusinessSupportAdministration/schemas/BranchInformationManagement/1”
xmlns:custprefix=“http:// /allcompetencies/schemas/allservices/1”>
<xsd:import namespace=“urn:ifxforum-org:XSD:1”/>
<xsd:import namespace=“http:// /allcompetencies/schemas/allservices/1”/>
<xsd:element name=“BranchSearchCriterias”>
<xsd:element ref=“ifx:BranchId”/>
<xsd:element ref=“custprefix:EffectiveDate” minOccurs=“0”/>
Note: there are 477 lines in total to this WSDL