ORA-00942:- table or view does not exist

Hi everyone,
when i started the integration server the below error is popping up and also i could not configure the my webMethods server while configuring the database component configuration the same error is occurring .

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [sag-cjdbc42-0011][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

currently I’m using webMethods 10.15 and oracle sql developer.

Thanks in advance,

Well, without a lot more information about your setup, I can only tell the obvious. Which is that a table or view is missing.

Please try to look at this from the outside to get the best possible help here. Without knowing what you have done so far (e.g. did you run the DB configurator?) and what your setup looks like, there is no way to help you.

Also, what documentation did you use to setup your environment?


Without more information all I can recommend is to update your DB configurator and your integration server to latest fix level and run DB scripts again. Don’t skip pre-installation and after installation steps though. That’s what usually causes these kind of missing table errors.


Hi Arunasri,

did you resolve the issue, I am facing the same and I see in scheduler’s it is not able to connect to the DB and throwing an exception as attached.
Let me know if you get the solution for this.

FYI… I used to connect when I installed initially after some time it has started throwing exception.

to update the thread, the issue has been resolved.
I have run the DB scripts and used different schema for this JDBC pools.

Hi Madhava,

is there anything in the logs, which table or view cannot be found?

Did anything change to your installation, when the exception started to occur?


sorry, its my bad, unfortunately I have used wrong schema (some how it got updated since installed :frowning: ).

Hi Aruna,

referring to Engin´s replies, please check for latest DataDirect fixes, as error message indicates a DataDirect Driver version 4.2, which is quite old.
SAG has introduced DataDirect Driver version 5.x some time ago during the wM 9.x stream already.


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