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OEE App v10.10.0.3
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I have a very simple input from a machine. I get an event every ~10sec that contains a parameter of how many pieces were produced. This is ideally 9 (but could be smaller).
I tried to configure OEE app for calculation with PPQ method.
For actual production time I just use the same event with the condition that the parameter in the event is > 0. This results currently in 100% availability which is fine.
For actual production amount and actual quality amount I use the described parameter. This will for now also lead in quality being 100% which is fine.
I configured that the expected amount is 54 pieces per minute (every 10 seconds so 6 * 9) and set the resolution to 10 minutes.
I now get the following result/alarm in the OEE app (these are the numbers from the OEECalculationAlarm):
ActualProductionAmount: 4868
ActualProductionTime: 600
ActualQualityAmount: 4868
Availability: 100
AvailabilityLossAmount: 0
AvailabilityLossTime: 0
IdealAmount: 540
IdealCycleAmount: 54
IdealCycleTime: 1.1111
IdealMachineRuntime: 5408.8889
IdealProductionAmount: 540
IdealQualityTime: 5408.8889
OEE: 901.4815
Performance: 901.4815
PerformanceLossAmount: -4328
PerformanceLossTime: -4808.8889
PotentialProductionTime: 600
Quality: 100
QualityLossAmount: 0
QualityLossTime: 0
Something weird is going on in the calculation and I cannot explain where for example the negative numbers are coming from or these high 4 digit numbers.
The ActualProductionAmount should be close to 540 (IdealAmount). A bit lower as not everytime the event contains 9 pieces and the cycle time is sometimes a bit more than 10sec.
Does somebody have an idea where to look for the error?