Null Values In loop output array.

Im quite new to webMethods and im currently facing a problem with which i need your help.When i try to get the data from the database and put it through a loop and filter it using branch…the output array is filled with null in the fields that do not satisfy the branch condition.

My second problem is that when i remove the output array from loop property and try using appending to documentList, i only get a single document as my ouput at the end of the do i get the details of all the members who have satisfied the branch condition into my documentlist and how do i remove the null values from the output array when i use the output array property field.your help appreciated.

Define two document (ref) lists for both input and output array before invoking the loop…

Use appendToDocumentList service to concatenate all your satisfied data. Pass the output array (declared first) to itemList, and actual document to item. You should see array of output after loop completes its execution…


Be sure the drop the item variable in each loop iteration.