I am using Enterprise Server v5.0. Is there a way in which a broker client can recieve notification or monitor in some way if the events to which it can publish/subscribe have been changed.
I am using Enterprise Server v5.0. Is there a way in which a broker client can recieve notification or monitor in some way if the events to which it can publish/subscribe have been changed.
I believe if you subscribe to Adapter::refresh you may get this sort of notification but I’m not sure. You’ll need to test this out.
You may subscribe to Broker::Activity::EventTypeChange event. This system event is published when an event definition is changed. The corresponding event for client group change is Broker::Activity::ClientGroupChange.
Broker::Activity::EventTypeChange is published for the following actions:
definition changed
information changed
The distinction between definition changed and information changed is that the definition is the event type’s fields, while the information is the event type’s infoset
Why do you need to monitor this event?
The only reason I ask is because we (Lucent) have seen the CanPublish and CanSubscribe permissions change in our production brokers on 2 occasions ON THEIR OWN…No user made the changes!!! We have the brokers and admin functions secured with digital certs and are sure that the permissions where changed by the broker and not by a user…The problem seems to be related to the “documents” defined under “Document Types/ActiveWorks/ExternalClients” since the permissions seemed to change to what is defined in the infosets (input/output docs) defined on these docs…
webMethods has not been able to debug this with us yet…Has anyone else seen this?
I don’t think EventTypeChange will be fired on a client group change will it? After all, changing the can pub/can sub is a client group activity, not an event type/infoset activity.