What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
Cumulocity IoT Platform with version 10.13
Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?
Free trial
What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.
Using Notification V2 API to obtain the real-time data from the cloud
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
Hi all,
I tried this time on the eu.latest tenant and I do have got some response from the server side. But I still have one questions:
- I have first created a subscription named as testSubscription with filter type “c8y_Acceleration” and fragmentsToCopy is “AccelerationY”. I also created a token associated to this subscription whose subscriber is “testSubscriber”. Here is the response I got from serve:
{"self":"https://env779703.eu- latest.cumulocity.com/measurement/measurements/22850","time":"2022-07- 27T10:49:14.000+02:00","id":"22850","source":{"self":"https://env779703.eu latest.cumulocity.com/inventory/managedObjects/1825","id":"1825"},"type":"c8y_Acceleration"}
I didn’t get the desired fragment “AccelerationY” nor it’s value. Does it have something to do with the binary identifier “CNKyBBC7EyAAMAE=” used for acknowledgement? If I need to send the identifier back to the server, what is the HTTP header format that I should follow?
It would be quite appreciated if you can help me!