I’m using the advanced search function of CentraSite, looking for services with External Classification for uddi-org:xml:namespace is some value, f.e. http://the.namespace.com/2010/1. After pressing on [Search] I get some results.
When I change the search to a value with a wildcard in it, f.e. http://the.namespace.com/%/1 or http://the.namespace.com/%, I get no results at all. Allthough based on http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuite8_ga/CentraSite/ug-assets/search.htm#keywildcard the usage of wildcards is permitted, also for External Classifications. A collegue of mine saw on the tab XQuery: 'cs:value = ‘http://ebus.onefox.nl/%’. Perhaps is should be something with ‘cs:value like …’? We tried this, but it gave an error.
Who knows how you can get results with wildcards in combination with Advanced Search?
Best regards,
Michiel Jaeger
The Netherlands