Need some light on these questions

Hello Experts,
Kindly shed some light on below questions as still I don’t have clear picturization of these …

  1. If we replace TN with Broker and vice versa. Will it work? What additional functionalities TN provides over Broker ?
  2. When a document is published and reply is expected. How does the broker know the reply should be delivered to which client?
  3. Suppose we connect one broker to two different IS. How does broker know which IS has published the doument?
  4. What is the difference between sub process and referenced process?
  5. what is ISRuntime exception and Service exception?
  6. What is the difference in RFC and BAPI methods?
  7. How will we make sure that your service can not be called by more than 5 threads?
  8. We want logs to be saved in the database instead of flat files? How can we acheive this ?
  9. If a flow service goes in infinite loop, what are the various ways to kill the process?
  10. Where actually Trigger is stored in the file system and In what format?
  11. When you configure new broker where does it physically stored on the file system?
  12. What is split storage in broker?.
  13. what is ISRuntime exception and Service exception?


Hello RP,
I can see that you are preparing for some interview. Good luck :lol:

My answers for few questions are below:

  1. What is the difference in RFC and BAPI methods?
    [Mahesh] Refer webMethods SAP Adapter User’s Guide - Software AG Documentation

  2. We want logs to be saved in the database instead of flat files? How can we acheive this ?
    [Mahesh] Refer webMethods Logging Guide - Software AG Documentation

  3. If a flow service goes in infinite loop, what are the various ways to kill the process?
    [Mahesh] On webMethods version 8 and above you can kill/cancel a thread on IS (Refer Admin guide). Best solution is to restart the IS. Other options (might work) reload the particular package or create a custome java service. Invetigate your flow service as why it is executing infinitely (repeat step).

  4. Where actually Trigger is stored in the file system and In what format?
    [Mahesh] I think it is in TriggerStoredata files.

Hello Mahesh,

Its not for interview. I have seen around 70 questions in one of the portals while searching for something. In those i am not clear the one which i have listed.

Thanks for your inputs provided !!!


  1. I dont think TN and Broker can be exchanged against each other that easily as they focus on completely different things. More likely Broker and Universal Messaging (prev. Nirvanan) can be exchangeable (depends on version). See SAG documentation for details.
  2. The reply need to map the request envelope over which the requesting client will be identified. See Pub-Sub-Guide for details.
  3. The Client-Prefix of the Broker Configuration?
  4. Sub-Process is a smaller Process modelled inside the same process, referenced Process ist modelled in a separate process.
  5. A Broker does not have its own storage. The Storage is per BrokerServer and the path to the file system storage is configurable. See Broker-Admininstration Guide for details.
  6. Split Storage means that, the configuration data and the throughput data of the Broker is stored in separate files in the file system. This feature is available at least from wM 7.x on.
  7. is a duplicate to question 5.

First of all these sound like basic interview questions (but you already mentioned not interview thanks)…please understand this forum only for any technical issues and sort of Q & Resolution due to fact of users available precious time.

For any basic or advanced info you need to review SAG wM documentation.