Seems I have clobbered`something, printing used to work, but now it gives me this same error 1586.
Here is what I know: I have a separate Natparm setup for batch, and in Device assignments I have LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4 for LOGIcAL DEVICES, CLOSE MODE=80, LINEdSIZE=80, PAGE SIZE=66, MAXPAGE=32767,
For the PHYSICAL assignment I have also LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4,
The LPT1,2,3,4 relate to scripts that exist in /Scripts and look like this:
cat > $HOME/PrintJobs/LPT2.rpt
lp -d systems $HOME/PrintJobs/LPT2.rpt
exit 0
So, I execute a pgm in Natural that writes like this:
define printer (2)
this returns an error 1586.
printing from a shell command works, but not from the write command.
I am missing something or I forgot something…
guess I need to go back and reread some of my earlier posts,
take a refresher course or something,
This is the shell command that works,
call “shcmd” “lp -d systems /usr/sag/PrintJobs/LPT2.rpt”
can someone point me in the right direction or give me things to check,