MWS - Monitor - Registory

I am configuring the Monitoring functions in MWS. When I edit a role and click add process, it threw the following exception:

08:05:17 GMT (wsclient : FATAL) [RID:9] - com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy: Failed to bind to endPoint: http://:/services/processModel.wsdl and interface: interface com.webMethods.bpo.service.mon.IProcessModelService: could not bind to path: http://:/services/processModel.wsdl

It seems the webservice host is not configured. I couldn’t figure where to put the parameters. Does anyone know about this error?

I just need to monitor processes in MWS. Do I need to have Metadata library and X-Registry (I have Metadata library but not X-Registry)? The monitor guide doesn’t mention anything about those two.


(Sorry for the typo in subject - cannot edit it :frowning: Could moderator correct it please? )

you need to point the MWS at the IS as you say

Administration → My webMethods → System SettingsIntegration Server (Monitor Host)

Also check your WmCommAuth package in the IS Package Management, this is needed so the IS lets the portal in, add your portal host, username and password and give it monitoring permissions

Hi there,

This is exactly was I was looking for! I thought that only the environment settings affected configuration stuff.