Multiples Views on the same Task


Is there any tutorial on having multiple portlet views in the same task and also explain how to navigate between them?

It would be great to have a video example of a task that has multiple Views (one view that add an item, another that edits an item and the default view that display all items).

Francisco Pereira

I think this is a bug in the remote searchTask() service. I have seen that java.util.Date gets transferred to the server as GregorianCalendar and probably is not getting properly converted back.

Said that you will need to file an SR to get this addressed.

Meanwhile to overcome this you can try instead java.util.Date to pass an epoch number of milliseconds instead e.g. java.util.Date.getTime(). I think it will be able to convert millis to Date when searching for mathching tasks



Seems like Alex wrote his answer for the wrong topic. Let me add the answer to the right topic and please disregard the above post for now.
