MQ adapter link not appears in Admin Console

I installed WmMQAdapter with webMethods 6.1 installation along with JDBC Adapter. But when I started Admin console, link of wmMQAdapter was not displayed while JDBC Adapter is there.
When I saw startup log I found an error message:

2006-06-14 13:35:41 IST [ISS.0028.0013E] Startup service exited with the following error: [ISS.0026.9102] Service
‘wm.mqseries.admin:registerAdapter’ is not operational. To run this service, first recompile the Java source.

2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0028.0005C] Loading WmMQAdapter package
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:clearTraceFile: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapte
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:enableMQTrace: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapter
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:findQueues: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:registerAdapter: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapt
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:disableMQTrace: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapte
count = 0, total = 16
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:archiveTraceFile: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadap
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:reloadConnectionFactoryProperties: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:cacheConnectionFactoryProperties: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:unregisterAdapter: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqada
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service
apter.wmmqadapter.admin.Service:getMenu: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:setTraceLevel: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapter
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:getMenu: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapter.admin
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:getTraceSettings: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadap
count = 0, total = 16
2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseri
es.admin:getTraceOutput: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapte

At the time od installation I was given required path for jar files:

  3. and

I done the following checks:
Checked the first 2 jar files for their exsistance at required path in directory mentioned below:

After that I set server.cnf file’s parameter to

  1. watt.server.compile=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\javac -classpath {0} -d {1} {2}
  2. watt.server.compile.unicode=c:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\javac -encoding Unicode -classpath {0}
    -d {1} {2}
    (before this is stoped IS and then after doing chane in server.cnf i restarted the server but their is no change.)

Even in Admin console at Packages>Management package WmMQAdapter displayed as not Loaded (but enabled)

configuration i had:
webMethods 6.1
WebSphere 5.x
j2sdk 1.4.2_08
If any one know the cause please pass it to me.

When you click on the About link in IS Administrator do the MQ jar files appear in the classpath? If not, place them in \IntegrationServer\lib\jars and restart the server.


Hi Mcarlson,
I did
When you click on the About link in IS Administrator do the MQ jar files appear in the classpath? If not, place them in \IntegrationServer\lib\jars and restart the server
but still it is not working,

I got these jar files in about link page but Admin console still not coming up with MQ adapter link.
Sorry if you receive this mail twice. First one end with error in my screen.

Hi Vishpankaj
You posted error as:
“2006-06-14 18:35:34 IST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.mqseries.admin:clearTraceFile: [ISS.0026.9104] Missing class com.wm.adapter.wmmqadapter.admin.wmMQTrace”

This means you are missing some jar file which webMethods wrote for mqseries and didn’t get installed when you used the wmInstaller6.1. Try using the latest wMInstaller for re-installing WmMQAdapter6.1. Also report is errors to webM support.