MQ Adapter and the msgHeader

Hi All,

I want to get the MsgId from the msgHeader of an incoming message from a client to stamp into the CorrelId field on an outgoing reply for the client to match on it. On the IS, I have created a listen MsgHandler with a Message Service and an Exception Service. The only way I can get the MsgId in the msgHeader in the Message service is to Modify the Value of an Output String parameter for this service, even though message is not visible in the pipeline(?):


This gives the MsgId string.

There is a problem with using this MsgId string anyway and I should be using the MsgIdByteArray but I cannot get it in the same way as the CorrelId above as in the pipeline I cannot Modify the Value of an Object. There are a couple of questions I am asking here:

Do I need to modify the service generated by the creation of the listen MsgHandler to have it pass the msgHeader into its Message Service?(I have tried most ways but can’t seem to make any work. I get a ‘Copy failed: No source data available’ server log message when I try to access it)

If not, how can I see the msgHeader in the Message Service?

Is there some way I can Modify the value of an Object in the pipeline?


Hi Pat…we are faced with similar challenges…using MQ Adapter 6.0.
Were you able to resolve this issue? Any pointers you could throw my way would be appreciated.


I am having the same problem, please let me know if you were able to solve this issue, thanks and appreciate it…


We ran into same issues in our current project. The MQ Adapter JMS properties carries the header information as well and you can grab the information from there.

Alternatively, we have also used the JMS adapter. It seems to work well with MQ 5.2 and 5.3 reasonably well. With the MQ adapter we faced connection pooling issues but we don’t see the same issues with the JMS adapter.

Both MQ 6.0 and JMS 6.0 adapters listeners don’t work with MQ 5.1 bytes messages.

Just wanted to pass on some of our findings.



this is my problem :

I send a message on a sending Queue with put adapter and I save the msgID, CorelId,
From another part I’m using a listener, listener notification on a receiving Queue, and a trigger on a document generated to redirect to a service who get the messageBody and get the msgID, CorelId
but these parameters are different from the sending ones.

So How can I have the reply confirmation of the sending message ?
did you fix your problems ??
if ok, so please tell me how you did

Thanks in advance