Starting 10.3 version, webMethods Microservices Runtime provides /metrics end-point that returns statistics in Prometheus format. This article describes how you can use Grafana and Prometheus to monitor webMethods Microservices Runtime.
- You have some familiarity with the Docker technology.
- Docker version used for this articles is 18.03.1-ce
- You have accepted license for downloading webMethods Microservices Runtime on Docker store - https://hub.docker.com/_/softwareag-webmethods-microservicesruntime
- As this example utilizes docker-compose file, make sure you have started Docker in swarm mode. More information about this can be found @ https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-mode/
- If running “docker stack ls” results in no error, you are good to proceed with the example.
Metrics in Prometheus format
Invoking Microservices Runtime with http://localhost:5555/metrics URL returns output in the Prometheus format. It returns statistics for servers and services executing in Microservices Runtime. Statistics such as Java memory, number of threads, number of sessions, service execution requests, and many more are returned to the caller. These data can be consumed by Grafana to display a dashboard for Microservices Runtime metrics. Details about what metrics are provided by /metrics endpoint, refer to "Developing Microservices with wMMicroservicesRuntime" guide.
https://github.com/SoftwareAG/webmethods-microservicesruntime-prometheus provides details about using Grafana and Prometheus to monitor webMethods Microservices Runtime. If you are not running inside Docker container, you can use standalone instructions provided here.
If you have dashboards for webMethods Microservices Runtime, please share it with other community members in Github under dashboards.