Migration API Gateway


I want to migrate all the data (Conf, Apis, Applications, policies, users , …) that I have in the API Gateway from one server to another.

Is there a way to do this migration in a fast way? does the tool offer a migration solution?

Thank you!

Best regards,

Yes, the migration is supported multiple ways. Using the Scripts, Deployer or migration utility.

Hello Vasudeva

Thank you for your reply,
Can you detail me one more solutions?

Thank you!

Best regards,

One more solution is using Promotion management.

Please have a loot at this tutorial on this topic http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/pwiki/-/wiki/Main/staging,+promotion+and+devops+of+api+gateway+assets

Find the documentation at https://techcommunity.softwareag.com/ecosystem/documentation/webmethods/wmsuites/wmsuite10-2/API_Gateway/10-2_API_Gateway_User_Guide.pdf and refer “Asset Promotions.”


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While using PROMOTIONS, how can we address environment specific values ( Custom Headers/per environments, Endpoints, Credentials).

Is there any other option other than ALIASES? Aliases are not very convenient when you have 2000+ APIs/services.

I am looking for something to externalize such environment specific values(pretty much like having property files which have environment specific values used in JAVA and .NET)

Hi Franklin,

Currently, API Gateway supports the environment-specific values via ALIASES only. Please raise a feature request for any suggestions.
