Microservice SDK (java) best way to call unsupperted but available REST endpoints

I have implemented it using restTemplates:

Created two pojos EventBinary and BinaryInfo:

public class BinaryInfo {
	 * Name of the binary object.
	private String name;

	 * Media type of the file.
	private String type;

public class EventBinary {
	 * Name of the attachment. If it is not provided in the request, it will be set as the event ID.
	private String name;

	 * A URL linking to this resource.
	private String self;

	 * Unique identifier of the event.
	private String source;

	 * Media type of the attachment.
	private String type;

And Api:

public class EventAttachmentApi {
	private ContextService<MicroserviceCredentials> contextService;
	private EventApi eventApi;
	public EventAttachmentApi(ContextService<MicroserviceCredentials> contextService, EventApi eventApi) {
		this.contextService = contextService;
		this.eventApi = eventApi;

	public EventBinary uploadEventAttachment(final BinaryInfo binaryInfo, Resource resource, final String eventId) {
		EventRepresentation event = eventApi.getEvent(GId.asGId(eventId));
		if(event == null) {
			return null;
		HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
		headers.set("Authorization", contextService.getContext().toCumulocityCredentials().getAuthenticationString());
		MultipartBodyBuilder multipartBodyBuilder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
		multipartBodyBuilder.part("object", binaryInfo, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
		multipartBodyBuilder.part("file", resource, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
		MultiValueMap<String,HttpEntity<?>> body = multipartBodyBuilder.build();
		HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>>> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(body, headers);

		String serverUrl = event.getSelf() + "/binaries";
		RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
		ResponseEntity<EventBinary> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(serverUrl, requestEntity, EventBinary.class);
		if(response.getStatusCodeValue() >= 300) {
			log.error("Upload event binary failed with http code {}", response.getStatusCode().toString());;
			return null;
		return response.getBody();