I declared an updating function (XQuery) to insert a new document, and then exported the module as a web service. When I call lasCRUD:create2 web service from SoapUI, I get the following exception:
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Message Receiver not found for AxisOperation: {http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/lasCRUD}create2
Here is the updating function:
module namespace lasCRUD="http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/lasCRUD";
declare namespace tf = "http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction"
declare updating function lasCRUD:create2( $filetype as xs:string, $filenum as xs:string, $legalText as xs:string, $inputDate as xs:string, $inputTime as xs:string, $transactionDate as xs:string, $userID as xs:string ) {
let $record := collection('LAS')/LegalDescRecords[Control/FileType=$filetype and Control/FileNumber=$filenum]
let $currentSequenceNum := fn:max( for $el in $record return $el/Control/Sequence )
let $nextSequenceNum := $currentSequenceNum + 1
let $ip := element LegalDescRecords {
element Control {
element FileType { $filetype },
element FileNumber { $filenum },
element Sequence { $nextSequenceNum },
element InputDate { xs:date($inputDate) },
element InputTime { xs:time($inputTime) },
element TransactionDate { xs:date($transactionDate) },
element UserID { $userID }
element LegalText { $legalText }
let $path := "LAS/LegalDescRecords"
do(fn:put($ip, $path))
Is there something that I am not understanding correctly? I am able to call the lasCRUD:create2 function, for example from the following code in the XQuery editor:
import module namespace lasCRUD="http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/lasCRUD";
declare namespace tf = "http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction"
lasCRUD:create2('LAS', '1156', 'My test legal text.', '2013-11-06', '12:00:00', '2013-11-06', 'mdbergt')
This code runs and successfully inserts a record. I attached the schema definition as well as a more detailed dump of the exception I am encountering. Thank you for the assistance.
Exception.txt (2.7 KB)
LegalDescriptions_schema.xml (4.25 KB)