Why is it that if my record list has only one element, the loop fails to execute my code to process that single element?
The loop should work for a list, even with one element only. Probably your loop fails because the element is not element of a list but a single structure. Make sure that the documentToRecord service that should produce the recordList is configured correctly.
Could you please give a few more details. Still cannot loop over the single record in a record list.
I believe what happen here is that when it is only one element, the XML was parsed as a single element instead of an array – if you trace your code with one element, you will find out.
I had a similar problem. Try to set the recordname in the recordName field of documentToRecord (eg. FolderName.SubFolderName:RecordName)
Also set makeArrays to false.
That worked for me!
Hope it helps,
Thanks for the valuable input. My code is not working. I set the recordName and set the makarrays variable to false and all is ok.
Thanks again to all who responded.