We are querying Siebel using webservices, hence we have imported wsdl’s for the webservices in Siebel.
Once in a while when we query, the soapHttp service within the configured webservice connector returns junk data (See attachment).
Note that this is not happening for every transaction.
We are using IS 6.5 SP3.
Could anybody help me understand as to why this be happening.
Thanking you in advance,
Any chance that Siebel is attempting to return a soap attachment using either the Soap With Attachments (SWA) or MTOM standards? Are their different code sets involved?
Can you reproduce this issue using a testing tool like the (FREE) SoapUI?
Thanks for your response.
I ran the same webservice using XMLSpy , and it returned the data correctly.
I would need to check the Siebel settings for the standards that you mentioned.
Did some more testing and found out that it is a size issue,
if the size of the soapResponse data is exceeding 55 kb, we start getting junk data.
For smaller responses the webservice connector works flawlessly.
Are there any server settings that need to be modified so that we can receive responses greater than 55 kb?
I am attaching the screenshots for the transaction that returns correct data and for the one that returns junk data.
One thing to notice are the parameters Charset and ContentType in the http header response.
For a successful transaction the values in the above mentioned parameters are :
For the transaction that returns junk data , the Charset parameter is absent from the response and the ContentType=text/xml.
Is there a possibility that the response is not getting encoded for large sizes?
After almost 3 weeks of debugging and testing we found out that this issue is a product defect in Siebel, the issue is
“EAI HTTP response set BOM characters on Inbound Web Service call if WS response is greater than 51k”.
This issue is still open and being worked on by Siebel.