I am facing an issue that an action is not being invoked in the following scenario
- I have a portlet (Main Portlet) containing IFrame - source of this IFrame is set to the url of another portlet (Simple Portlet).
Main Portlet - > IFrame (src=Simple Portlet)
- IFrame source portlet (Simple Portlet) contains 2 more IFrames with source set to the url of another portlet (Child Portlet).
IFrame (src=Simple Portlet) → 1. IFrame (src=Child Portlet) 2. IFrame(src=Child Portlet)
Simple Portlet also contains a Command Link (“Some Action”), this link is bound to a method called someAction() in activePageBean(Default View Managed Bean) like this #{activePageBean.someAction}
Now when a portlet is opened after all the frames are rendered, i click on link “Some Action”, method bound against this link “someAction” is not being invoked, upon investigation i found this
. before Restore View method is invoked . after Restore View method is invoked . before Apply Request method is invoked . after Apply Request method is invoked . before Process Validation method is invoked . after Process Validation method is invoked . before Update Model Values method is invoked . after Update Model Values method is invoked . before Invoke Application method is invoked >>>>>> Actual method bound to that link is not invoked <null><null><null><null><null>< . after Invoke Application method is invoked
It some how loses the events registered against this Invoke Application Phase.
One interesting point here is that if i set the rendered property to “false” of one of the “Child Portlet”, then it starts working perfectly.
I dont know what is the issue behind this, if anyone can help me out.
Thanks in advance