jndi test look up doesn't display queue/topic, connection factory


In the Universal Message realm (9.9) there is a connection factory created, queue, topic are also created.
In the Integration Server (9.9) below jars are placed under ISHOMEDir/IntegrationServer/lib/jars


JNDI alias is created on Integration Server, while testing the jndi alias it says test lookup successful but the queue, topic, connection factory aren’t displayed.
Also the JMS connection alias created on Integration Server is throwing following error.

com.wm.app.b2b.server.jms.JMSSubsystemException: [ISS.0134.9016] Error creating connection factory: javax.naming.NamingException: Internal lookup failed for name

Kindly check on this and let me know how to resolve this.

Ilias S

Using Enterprise Manager go to JNDI tab, create connection factory say “local_um” and apply.

Make sure you provide this connection factory in your connection alias on IS.


I have created connection factory using Enterprise Manager
I have used the same connection factory in connection alias on IS, but the connection alias is throwing error.

com.wm.app.b2b.server.jms.JMSSubsystemException: [ISS.0134.9016] Error creating connection factory: javax.naming.NamingException: Internal lookup failed for name

Also the jndi alias lookup on IS isn’t displaying the connection factory.

Ilias S

Could you make the sure the UM server and port details are correct? It looks strange to me. Is UM and IS on same physical box?

From EM, try deleting and recreating the defaultContext channel. You will need to create the connection factory and Queues and Topics under JNDI again, but IS will now start seeing all the objects.