JMS Exception in Wm 7.1.2


I am using webmethod 7.1.2 version.form few days i am facing some issue while enabling the JMS Messaging in Admin Page.
when i went to setting–messaging—JMS Alias & trying to enable the JMS Connection Alias i am getting Error as follows:-

com.wm[COLOR=blue].app.b2b.server.jms.ResourceUnavailableException: javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: [BRM.10.2216] JMS: Invalid destination: “5_mBNw+ULGqFScy4pNABNAOYb5o__32f4ccee4bf8261311f6e9824e0”

Please provide me some [/COLOR]concreat solution as i am bit new to this Wm version.
Apprecitate your quick response

Hi Rj,

Check you broker is up and running if it connected to your IS. Log-in to MWS -->Admin check the JMS Alias is already created or not?

Let me know if you want more info.
