JMS Connection alias getting disconnected from Universal Messaging (UM) server automatically

Hi All,

I am facing an issue whenever I am trying to publish data of size around 8MB to a topic in the UM via JMS message.The service throws an error stating that the publish failed as the connection alias is disabled whereas the connection alias is perfectly enabled.In server logs I find a log saying that the connection alias has got disconnected from the UM and the next log says its got started back.

Could someone please help me find a solution for this.

Below are the server logs extract:

2015-04-08 07:30:53 IST [ISS.0134.0016E] JMS Connection Error on connection “ABCD”: javax.jms.JMSException: Disconnected from : umserver2
2015-04-08 07:30:53 IST [ISS.0134.0054I] Stopping all triggers associated with JMS connection alias ABCD.
2015-04-08 07:30:57 IST [ISS.0134.0052I] Starting all triggers associated with JMS connection alias ABCD.
2015-04-08 07:30:57 IST [ISS.0134.0007I] JMS connection alias “ABCD” started

Thanks in advance!
