JMS Adapter Configuration Problem for XA transactions

While I was configuring the JMS adapter for XA transaction, I have the following Error.

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource wMJmsQueue:sboJMSqueue.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
can only be called from server


Connection Properties

Transaction Type: XA_TRANSACTION
JNDI Initial Context Factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
JNDI Provider URL: t3://localhost:7001
JNDI Security Principal: weblogic
JNDI Security Credentials: weblogic
JNDI Other Properties:
QueueConnectionFactory JNDI Name: javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
JMS user weblogic
JMS password weblogic
Retype JMS password weblogic

Connection Management Properties

Enable Connection Pooling true
Minimum Pool Size 1
Maximum Pool Size 10
Pool Increment Size 1
Block Timeout (msec) 1000
Expire Timeout (msec) 1000
Startup Retry Count 0
Startup Backoff Timeout (sec) 10

Please let me know this ASAP.
Thanks in Advance

Please make sure you have all the right and updated jars in the common/lib directory. Please also make sure you have put the weblogic.jar under <is_dir>/lib/jars.

Let me know what jars have you loaded.


Yes weblogic.jar is in IS/LIB/Jars. In that I have OJDBC.jar and weblogic.jar. I want to know if we have to create a QueueConnectionFactory in webLogic for having a connection. If so how? Is the queueconnectionfactory javax.jms.queueconnectionfactory will do the work or I have to change it to some XA transaction related connection.


You need to create a QueueConnectionFactory in weblogic and give the JNDI name of that connection factory in your settings. I am not sure how you can create the same in weblogic as I have never worked on it. But I tried this with other JMS/JNDI providers.

Yes I have Created that queueconnectionfactory in weblogic and tried to give that JNDI name but it gives me the same error.
can only be called from server.
What does it mean if it says that it can only be called from server?

Hi Sunil,
Please give a try by removing the values for the parameters JNDI Security Principal and JNDI Security Credentials from the JMS Adapter Connection.
If the JMS queues are not secured(meaning there exists no security settings for the JMS Queues on the application servers and that the JMS Queues are accessed by any application) then providing the values for the above said parameters for the JMS Adapter Connections causes many issues.
