JDBC-ODBC Driver SQL Server Connection Error

I’m having problems in connecting to SQL Server 2000. I am using Jdbc-Odbc bridge, and sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver since my SQL server is configured to work only on Windows Authentication. I cannot use microsoft sql server driver. When i’m trying to configure a connection pool i’m getting the following error.

Error encountered

[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource sap.inbound.pams.dbconnection:pamsDbConnection.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.

And when i’m trying to create a JDBC adapter using the Alias Management section with the following configuration

Alias pamsDbTest 
DB URL : jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server};Database=DbpPAMS;Server=DHA00730-MSDP01
DB Username : someuser
DB Password : xxxx [it is not needed since sql server is working on windows authentication mechanism only]
DB Driver :sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
Minimum Connections : 1
Maximum Connections : 10
Expiration Time (ms) 
Loaded Drivers 
<None or new driver> 
webMethods Repository Version 2 

I get the following error
Could not connect: No suitable driver

Can anyone suggest me what to do, is my URL correct? has anyone tried sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver for connecting with SQL Server from webMethod Integration server.


What version of IS? Are you using the WmDB package?


Here you go…

Developer Environment Settings:
Version: 6.0.1 (425)
Updates: ID_6-0-1_SP1;mfapi602
SSL: Strong (128-bit)
Plug-Ins: Connection Data PlugIn
Listener PlugIn
Flat File Schema plug-in;Version 6.0.1
Flat File Dictionary plug-in;Version 6.0.1
Flat File Schema
Flat File Dictionary
Mainframe Transaction Preferences; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Transaction Node; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Transaction Wizard; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Hostpool Node; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Hostpool Wizard; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Live 3270 Preferences; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Live 3270 Node;Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Live 3270 Wizard; Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Transaction Group Node;Version 6.0.2
Mainframe Transaction Group Wizard; Version 6.0.2
Developer Classpath: E:\webMethods6\Developer\updates\ID_6-0-1_SP1.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\updates\mfapi602.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\lib\developer.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\lib\client.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\lib\ite3.jar;
Java Version: 1.3.1 (47.0)
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java Home: E:\webMethods6\jvm\win.sun13\jre
Java Classpath: E:\webMethods6\jvm\win.sun13\jre\LIB\rt.jar;E:\webMethods6\jvm\win.sun13\jre\LIB\i18n.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\LIB\mail.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\LIB\proxy.jar;E:\webMethods6\Developer\LIB\ssl.jar
OS: Windows 2000
OS Platform: x86
OS Version: 5.1
Current User: ALDABAFH
Working Dir: e:\webMethods6\Developer
Locale: en_US
Server Environment Settings for ‘webmdev:18666’:
Version: 6.0.1 (425)
Updates: IS_6-0-1_SP2_Fix84;IS_6-0-1_SP2
Server Classpath: /webMethods6/BW/02/IntegrationServer/updates/IS_6-0-1_SP2_Fix84.jar
Java Version: 1.3.1 (47.0)
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java Home: /webMethods6/jdk/jre
Java Classpath: ::/webMethods6/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/webMethods6/BW/02/IntegrationServer/lib/proxy.jar:/webMethods6/BW/02/IntegrationServer/lib/system/mIcons.zip:
OS Platform: sparc
OS Version: 5.9
Current User: webm
Working Dir: /webMethods6/BW/02/IntegrationServer
Locale: en_US

Yes i hav tried both the ways, 1. Creating conneciton pool from JDBC Adapter menu, and creating Alias from wmDB menu. I’m very new to this webMethod/SAP environment so I am reluctant in trying different things. But it appears as if either webMethod does not support raw JDBC implementation by sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver or my DSN-Less Connection URL has some problems. I cannot create DSN on the machine thats why i hav to try the DSN less way.