Yogesh is right regarding the driver type.
I would prefer thin mode as this runs without additional native libraries.
OCI-mode requires addtional native libraries and has a reduced performance over the thin mode.
Oracle Express Edition has a fixed database name of “XE” which cannot be changed.
Depending on your IS version you should consider upgrading your driver jar to ojdbc7.jar when running IS in Java 7 or newer.
When the error message persists check all the fields in the connection setup for leading or trailing spaces.
Hi Please remove all parameters, and provide the url in other properties as below:-
I consider this a bit complicated way as this an Oracle Express Edition with limited functionality.
Here is the complete, commented parameter list: Transaction Type LOCAL_TRANSACTION (does not match with DataSource Class) DataSource Class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource (does not match with Transaction Type) serverName localhost user password Retype password databaseName XE (needs to be added, was missing in the original post) portNumber : 1521 networkProtocol : tcp Other Properties : driverType=thin (changed from “thin” to “driverType=thin”, to inform the driver that this is meant to go to the driverType parameter)
For further informations check the previous replies to this post.