JDBC Adapter Services - Schema issue

I am trying to create a few adapter services and a basic notification using a JDBC adapter. Now, i have two schemas, one (lets call it user1) in which all the database objects have been created, and one (lets call it user2) which has been created for integration connections across our enterprise (this schema has access to all the required objects, and its use is part of our guidelines). When i put in user1 in the connection, and try to create an adapter service or a notification, i keep seeing the ‘running…’ window in developer for an indefinite time. I waited for about 10 minutes and finally closed it, without getting the adapter service created. But when i use user2 in my connection, then try to create a service or notification, they get created within 30 seconds.

I even tried creating the service first using user2, and then change the connection to use user1, but in that case, when i try to run reloadAdapterValues, it(developer) again goes for a toss!

I need to use user1 while creating my services, because i want to use currentSchema. If i use user2 in my connection, then i will have the schema name hardcoded in the adapter service!

Anybody face anything like this before?

PS: i am using IS 7.1.3, JDBC 6.5, and connecting to an oracle 10g database, using oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource. Also, i am not getting any error messages in my IS, and also, both schemas have all the required privileges.


hmm interesting…

I assume that the JDBC adapter connection for user1 created successfully.

Then tell me what JDBC service (insert/update/basic) you try to create using the user1 adapter connection.

you can capture screen shots in a document and post it here, that will help others that what steps you have done exactly.
