JDBC Adapter question

I have a problem here …

I have an adapter service name “Vw” to get data from oracle data base. When I run this adapter it came with the result below:

|Name bbbbb
|Date dd/mm/yyyy
|Order mmmmm
|Name aaaaa
|Date dd/mm/yyyy
|Order jjjjjj
|Name kkkkk
|Date dd/mm/yyyy
|Order ggggggg

With this results, I want to made a dynamic sever page for client whit
this html script below :



%invoke D106Exercises.Exercises8:Vw%
%value encode(xml) errorMessage%

%loop Vw%

<td>%value Name%</td>
<td>%vakue Date%</td>
<td>%value Order%</td>





The Invoke was run (I Thought) but the loop was not run perfectly.
How can I lopp this data list from data base.
I only use an adapter service only, is it corect?

This is very urgent …, help me please…
