Jdbc Adapter problem

Hi all,
I am getting the below problem when iam creating adapter connection.

Error encountered [ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource Dataprog:db_conn.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource”.
[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.

Other Details:

Dataprog:db_conn Details
Connection Type JDBC Adapter Connection
Package Name :Dataprog
Connection Properties
DataSource Class :com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource
serverName :web2(where i install the database)
user :sa
password :sa
Retype password :sa
databaseName :the name i used to connect the database
portNumber :1433
networkProtocol :TCP/IP
Other Properties :SelectMethod=cursor
Connection Management Properties
Enable Connection Pooling true false
Minimum Pool Size
Maximum Pool Size
Pool Increment Size
Block Timeout (msec)
Expire Timeout (msec)
Startup Retry Count
Startup Backoff Timeout (sec)

please help me regarding this problem.

with regards,


First, you may want to check this post:

Possible solutions that I have read:

  1. Copied Microsoft jar files from another server and replaced the ones in <IS_HOME>\lib\jars. Restarted the server and this resolved the issue.

  2. Should use CJDBC driver to connect to SQL Server 7.0. And also “selectMethod=cursor” should not be used when its NO_TRANSACTION.

  3. IS picks up the wrong jar file if the url is incorrect. The url used in this case was jdbc:sqlserver://host:1433; It should be in the format jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://host:1433;

Good luck.
