JDBC Adapter Connectivity Error No matching authentication protocol

Hello Experts,

We’re unable to connect to Oracle Database using JDBC Adapter. Below is the error we are getting while trying to enable connector.

[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource Connectors:JIRA.
[ART.118.5063] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to start connection Connectors:JIRA: after 1 attempt(s).
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource”.
ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol

wM version : 9.5.1
JDBC Adaper : JDBC_6.5_Fix47
Oracle DB version: 11i
OJDBC Jar file: ojdbc14.jar

Tried placing jar file globally(/IS/lib/jars) as well as in Package level(/IS/Packages/WMJDBCAdapter/code/static/jars).

Wondering is that from test env we could connect successfully. But, only in one of our prod node we’re facing this problem. In other prod nodes connection was successful.

Note: Both ojdbc6.jar & ojdbc14.jar installed globally.

Could you please help on this as we’re unable to bring this up. Any help grately appreciated…!

Can you share your affected JDBC connection page screen shot showing all the connection params. Make sure there is no leading or trailing spaces in the configuration and network protocol should be a tcp.

To check if there is any network connectivity, try to telnet to db from your IS host machine.

Hi Mahesh,

Thanks for your quick reply.

This connector was already there and was enabled being used by ojdbc6.jar.

Recently, we added one integration from wM to Oracle 11i. This new adapter connection is failing sometimes using with ojdbc6.jar. So, we installed ojdbc14.jar since then the old adapter is not connecting failing with the above mentioned error.

Now, both the jars installed globally. Attaching IS connector details as you requested pl have a look and let me know if i’m missing anything.

Sai Pradeep.

As discussed, kindly involve DBA and provide them the ORA error code (oracle - ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol exception - Stack Overflow)

Meanwhile, as per the docs mentioned places the appropriate jars (that comes with Oracle version) in WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars and restart the server. Kindly share if you find the root cause for this affected sever.

Hi Sai,

you should remove the globally defined ojdbc-jars and only place them under WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars.
Remove the Jars from WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars/static as well.
Static Jars are only required when the driver has a native portion like i.e. SAP JCo Connector or Remedy API.

Additionally you should update the ojdbc6.jar to latest version of either Oracle Driver or or just replace it with the corresponding ojdbc7.jar.
This is recommended due to performance and compatibility reasons, i.e. LOB handling in Thin-Mode of the driver.

You can find the version of the driver jar in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file inside the jar which can be extracted by any zip-compatible tool like unzip or “jar -xvf”.

The 12.2.0.x drivers no longer provides an ojdbc7.jar, only an ojdbc8.which is only working when using a JVM 8 or newer.

Please note that ojdbc14.jar is quite old and considered to be deprecated as it was designed to work with JVM 1.4 and does not benefit from the performance improvements made in the JVMs since JVM 1.5.
ojdbc6.jar is designed to work with JVM 6 and newer and ojdbc7.jar is designed to work with JVM 7 and newer.


Hello Holger,

Thank for your quick reply.

As you said we’ve removed both the jars globally. And placed ojdbc6.jar in /p03/wm9/IntegrationServer/packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars.

Now, we the adapter connection got enabled.

Before that we’re using ojdbc6.jar globally and able to connect all the DB’s.

Recently, we added few integrations. So, these new connectors are failing sometimes. So, that we placed ojdbc14.jar in addition to ojdbc6.jar globally.

We will monitor few days if new connectors are failing sometimes. Even after if we got failures we will take appropriate action.

Sai Pradeep.

Hi Sai,

please make sure that only one ojdbcx.jar is available to the package.

According to your IS version ojdbc7.jar from Oracle Driver is the best fit. is the last version providing ojdbc6.jar and ojdbc7.jar.
From onwards there is only an ojdbc8.jar which will only work on systems which are runinning on a JVM 8 and newer.


Hi Holger,

After replacing ojdbc6.jar in /IntegrationServer/packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars one interface started failing with below error while invoking adapter service update operation:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column.

We identified that the adapter is connecting to Oracle 9i. As, Oracle 9i embedded with JVM 1.3 and ojdbc6.jar it supports JDK 1.6 & 1.7.

This leading us to errored out with LONG value only for insert into a LONG column.

So, for now we revert to ojdbc6.jar Because of this, we’re again on the same problem that one of our connector is not enabling.

Can you please suggest further steps need to taken to resolve the issue.

Sai Pradeep.

Hi Sai,

you should consider upgrading the database as 9i is out of support meanwhile.

Nevertheless as long as it is Oracle 9i R2 or newer this should be connecting even with the recent jars independetnly of the java version of the IS.

Can you try to modify the connection as follows:
put the server name, database name and port number in the appropriate fields.
“Other Properties” should be set to “driverType=thin”.

This should work for all Oracle releases from 9i R2 over 10g and 11g up to 12c.
