Check if the credentials(SQL SERVER) which you are using to connect is proper.
It accepts only SQL Authentication. I was trying to connect with the credentials of Windows Authentication.
Hope this helps you out…
Hey Ash,
Simple way to check if ur drivers are installed/ classpath set , login in webMethods IS localhost:5555 and click about , you should see the drivers in the server classpath block somewhere.
Has this been solved? What were the changes needed. I have a similar issue on a 6.0.1 install. I have tried both the MS and Jtds drivers.
I already have it setup and working on another box. I have gone through and restarted the server, the files are in the class path, and I the DBA so I know the passwords and servers I am connecting to. I just did not want to reinstall. Thank you. Good day.
Product webMethods Integration Server
Version 6.0.1
Updates IS_6-0-1_SP4
Build Number 425
SSL Strong (128-bit)
Server Environment
Java Version 1.3.0 (46.0)
Java Vendor IBM Corporation
Java Home C:\Program Files\webMethods6\IntegrationServer\jvm
Java Classpath C:\Program Files\webMethods6\IntegrationServer\jvm\lib\rt.jar
C:\Program Files\webMethods6\IntegrationServer\jvm\lib\i18n.jar
C:\Program Files\webMethods6\IntegrationServer\lib\proxy.jar
C:\Program Files\webMethods6\IntegrationServer\lib\system\
Since it took too long to get a response, I decided to just go ahead and install 6.5 on a different computer. This works with the MS SQL 2000 driver without a hinch. It may have been that there were incompatibilities between the old IS version (6.0.1) with the JDBC adapter using a new driver (old 2002 vs most recent 2004). Thank you. Good day.