I’m trying to create a connection and have entered all the necessary information, but I keep receiving this error. I’ve tried creating connections with different connections, reinstalling the Oracle database, and placing the necessary jars, but the problem persists.
Additionally, sometimes after 1000 attempts, I succeed once and the connection is immediately enabled again. I would appreciate any assistance.
Error encountered
[ART.118.5011] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to create new connection JDBC_Connection.connection:OracleDatabase. [ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource”. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found The Connection descriptor used by the client was: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=1521)(HOST=localhost))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE)))
Probably the db server you created on localhost is not configured properly. From the screenshot, looks like you are using 10.X (probably 10.15) and you are probably using 10.3 jdbc adapter. If you have provided the correct JDBC drivers, it should connect.
Test the DB with another client as Holger mentioned and share the connection details if you can successfully connect with another client.
I’ve included the necessary information you requested; please study it.
IS version = 10.15
JDBC Adapter version = 10.3
Database Version = (Oracle Database 10g Express Edition)
Any Fixes applied to IS and JDBC Adapter =I recently changed my licence key, however the problem persisted even before.
Run the netstat command:
Type netstat -ano | findstr :<YourPortNumber> and press Enter.
Replace <YourPortNumber> with the port number you want to check.
For example, the default Oracle port is usually 1521, so you would type netstat -ano | findstr :1521
it will make sure which port is used for what purpose.
This is the key part of the error. Focus on resolving this and getting any client tool (SQL Developer, TOAD, SQL*Plus, etc.) to connect. Something seems to be amiss with listener.ora, sqlnet.ora or tnsnames.ora files. Once one of those tools is working, then you can focus on the adapter connection pool.
This error is coming from oracle DB. I did a quick search. Most of them indicate it is a DB configuration problem. Check the links below, they might help. I don’t think it is a JDBC adapter issue though.
Empty the database name field, and in other properties specify: ServiceName=XE
If ServiceName=XE doesn’t work, try with SID=XE
See https://empower.softwareag.com/sl24sec/SecuredServices/document/java/wmsuite10-3/DataDirect_Connect/5-1-4_DataDirect_Connect_Users_Guide.pdf, page 319.