Java API contextconnect password format

We are currently implementing the webMethods Client Java API for connectivity to the webMethods Integration Server - context.connect(). For security reasons, the architects require an answer to the following questions:

  • When the context.connect() method is invoked using a user id and password, is the password in clear text or is it encrypted?
  • If the password is in clear text, is there any option to encrypt.


The basic connect() method accepts only a clear text (non-encrpyted, non-encoded) password. However, it is possible to have your client connect to the IS server using a secure connection.

Hava a look at the IS Server API docs for the Context and BaseContext classes. You can use the BaseContext.setAuthentication(), BaseContext.setSecure() and BaseContext.setSSLCertificates() to configure a Context that will connect to the IS server using an HTTPS connection with login credentials and SSL certificates that you specify.

