Issues with Integrating webMethods and Cumulocity IoT for Data Transfer

I’ve been working on integrating webMethods with Cumulocity IoT to enable seamless data transfer between the two platforms from Nulls Brawl APK While setting up the integration, I’ve encountered several issues such as inconsistent data syncing, delays in data updates, and occasional connection timeouts. I have followed the documentation closely, but these problems persist. Has anyone faced similar challenges, and what steps did you take to resolve them? Any tips or best practices for optimizing this integration would be highly appreciated.

Regarding Cumulocity to webMethods communication, you’ll have to use notification 2.0 API which is not implemented by the official connector, so you’ll have to implement that by yourself.
For webMethods to Cumulocity communication you might be fine with the official connector but you might encounter poor performances since it’s relying on the REST API.
If performance is an issue you’ll have to rely on MQTT SmartREST, but sadly webMethods MQTT connector doesn’t support same client ID for publication and subscription, you therefore will have to write your own MQTT connector for webMethods that correctly handle clientID.


I assume you’re using and the Cumulocity connector. Can you please tell us which version of the connector and you’re using?
In which direction do you see the problems? From or to Cumulocity IoT?

Best Regards,

Hi Mark,

it seems you quoted me, but your actual answer/question is missing.
