Hello Experts,
Can someone please let me know what is the difference between starting the Integration server from
- Profiles/IS_Default/bin/Startup.sh
What is the difference between these scripts and how would it effect the startup of the server.
Also i see the below files in the directory profiles/Is_default/bin
what do these files indicate.
Arun Cholleti.
Review IS Administration Guide for your wM version. However for your notes:
The startup.bat/sh and shutdown.bat/sh scripts contained in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\bin directory are
deprecated. Software AG recommends the use of the scripts contained in the Software AG_directory\profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory.
If you will manage Integration Server through Command Central, you must use the scripts located in the Software AG_directory\profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory.
To identify the PID corresponds to your IS you can check the content of the file sagis97.pid. Also check the other files you have mentioned to get more details on these.
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