Hello all.
We have a critical issue because our Go live is imminent…
SAP adapter used : 6.5
IS version : 6.5 SP1
We use Change pointer mechanism on SAP to replicate SAP data into a local database located on the same physical machine than our IS.
Every nigths a job is scheduled to replicate sap objects that have been modified. It concerns about 15 different objects (materials, source list, prices, routings, boms, customers, vendors …)
To do it, we use a SAP Table BDCP : when a SAP object is modified, if configuration concerning change pointer is set for this kind of object, a pointer is set on this object. Using RBDMIDOC job then RSEOUT00 job (standard SAP program), we can create and send idocs containing modified data of all modified objects having such a pointer.
Many different idocs are sent and all are processed on the same way :
- Pack of idocs sent by SAP are Recognized by SAP Adapter 6.5 => transmitted to IS service with an ALE notification
- Each pack of idocs is cut out into singular XML representing one idoc and all idocs are transmitted to Trading Network 6.5 (in order to be reprocessed individually incase of error)
- A TN rule triggers an execution service responsible for inserting / updating data into a local specific database using WmDB package (startTransaction, update / insert…, commit or rollback if errros… and clear transaction)
The number of idocs sent depends on the number of modified data in SAP
Enough frequently, we can find in SAP SM58 transaction a TID with status “System Failed” and message “Error in target system”
This message had carried out an IS crash !
In server.log, we can’t find anything interresting (logging level = 8)
In WmSAP log : last line is
2006-11-28 21:00:18.013 CET 0A3C02B20E40456C95460130 Created
SAP Transaction (TID) has been created but something appends that crashes server.
Where can we find more information (interresting logs) to be able to analyse and correct our issue ?
As logs don’t give details, we don’t exactly know if the problem comes from SAP Adapter package, Trading Networks package or WmDB package (This latter is used to update local tables with SAP data)
Do you have an idea of solution or action to do to progress ?
Our Configuration of heap size :
- set JAVA_MIN_MEM=768M
- set JAVA_MAX_MEM=1536M
Is it adapted knowing we are on Windows server 2003 with 3 Gb RAM
SQL Server 2000 SP3 is also installed on the machine.
Which paramter can we modify ? (Global, SAP Adapter, TN, …)
Thank a lot for every element…
Best Regards,